January: I spent NYE in Manhattan with a million other people trying to watch the ball drop with my ex. NYE in NYC is the most overrated thing ever - don't do it unless you like being in large crowds and a million miles away from anything. The little pink thing in the picture below is Time's Square where the ball dropped…. Lame! Don't go! I also traveled to the Bahamas with my mama for a week because my school gave us a million months off. Many days spent drinking on the beach and soaking up the sun. Definitely missing that right about now.
(NYE in NYC)
(Dolphins in Bahamas)
February: My birthday month! I spent my birthday in NYC again with my family and friends at a yummy asian resturaunt - Nobu. Go! It's so yummy and make sure to get their rock shrimp, it's so good I definitely dream about it on occasion. I also finished up my internship with a photographer in Brooklyn that I had been working at for a few months.
(Brooklyn in snow & fog)
(Me & my good friend from art school)
(Buddakan AC)
May: Yay! School's out! Finals week at an art school as a photography major is absolutely crazy. Mostly spent hiding and painting, drawing, or, if you're me, all of that plus countless hours in the darkroom. Finals are a lot different at an art school and definitely more time consuming. My boyfriend and I had been drifting apart the last few months. I realized that what I felt for him just wasn't what he deserved and that it wasn't fair. We broke up and went our separate ways.
(My final for painting - a self-portrait)
June: I moved home to New Jersey and settled on a university in Philadelphia. I started my job as a law firm's secretary. $$$$$ Looking for apartments in Philly was madness and I began that craziness in June. Craigslist became my best friend again in that process. I traveled to New Hampshire with my good friends from high school and got to finally experience some real nature. I also began talking to a guy I had dated in middle school towards the end of the month.
(New Hampshire)
July: Summer in Jersey is filled with sun, tanning oil, sand, mosquitos, and humidity. Mine was filled with all of that plus moving into my apartment, working every day, and trying to find time to make it down to my parent's house at the beach. I began going out on dates with the guy from middle school and we realized how well we still got along. I also got my motorcycle license and my motorcycle!
(My baby - Honda CB 350)
August: Most of August was similar to July in terms of the weather, of course, and also with working taking up most of my time. I was finalizing my apartment and moving the rest of the furniture in so I could move permanently in September. I tried to see as much of my friends from high school as possible because they would all be going back to their school's soon. The guy from middle school and I started seeing each other and officially dating.
(Me & a friend on her birthday)
(Me & a friend from high school)
September: Everyone from high school was back at their prospective school's and I was waiting for mine to begin. I finished up my summer job at the law firm. I moved the rest of my crap into my apartment and moved in full-time. My dad and I went to the Muse and Cage the Elephant concert which was awesome! My new boyfriend, a friend, and I went to see Vampire Weekend too which was probably my favorite part of summer. Classes began at the very end of September.
(Cage the Elephant)
October: My favorite month! I love the fall so much and October is the perfect combination of some warm weather still from the summer that hasn't quite given up, and some crisp mornings of the fall and winter months that are pushing themselves into the forefront. Halloween is also one of my favorite holidays other than Christmas. I spent the time adjusting to Philadelphia and my new school. I also adopted my pup from a shelter Atlantic County, NJ. My boyfriend and I went to The Weeknd, which was a fucking awesome show. Abel fucking killed it and he is so awesome live. I had bought the tickets and were front and center at the venue, minus the pit. Dopest thing ever. October was pretty good to me this year.
(The Weeknd)
(Oct. 15 - the first day Sushi & I met!)
(Bringing her home!)
November: November was a hectic month, between trying to adjust to regular classes, my family's personal drama, and my boyfriend. I spent most of it hiding in my apartment with my new dog and studying for Biology. I've never been a fan of Thanksgiving and this year it was particularly depressing. My mom and my nana and I spent it at my nana's house. My brother decided he didn't want to go so my dad had to stay home and watch him. I ended up feeling pretty sick too. My friends from high school had their annual pig roast at their parent's house in NJ. My boyfriend and I went for about five minutes before he threw an embarrassing fit and we had to leave. I guess because October had been so good, November had to suck.
(Sushi looking fall-ready)
(At the pig roast)
(The last few colors in Philadelphia)
(Exhausted from studying for finals)
December: Here we are! I started my blog a few weeks ago and I'm still definitely getting used to the whole blogging thing. So far it's for sure been at least something to do when I'm bored and a healthy outlet. I enjoy writing and I'm hoping someone out there likes reading! December was pretty uneventful. I finished up my quarter at school and got my final grades. No idea how I got a B in my Biology class but I'm super excited about that still. Christmas with my boyfriend and I was really nice. It was my first with a real tree (no matter how unconventional) and our first together. I had gotten him tickets to Anthony Green and that was a lovely night together. He kills it live too with The Good Old War.
(Anthony Green)
Looking back on this year made me realize how much my life has completely changed in just a few months. I changed cities, schools, majors, boyfriends, friends, basically my whole life. There are a lot of things I wish I could have accomplished and I'm hoping I can/will do in 2014. 2013 was filled with a lot of personal realizations and a shit ton of family issues. Hopefully the new year will bring happiness, love, and way more concerts. If 2014 isn't any better, hell, they make alcohol for a reason. See you in the new year!