Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Reliving My Childhood… One Sim Family at a Time

As I am currently being snowed in inch by inch, I will be/have been hiding underneath my blankets in my bed all day. I have also managed to somehow, miraculously, do something on the computer other than play the Sims 3.

Remember this?

Fortunately/unfortunately I have always been an avid Sims fan. I can still remember rushing home from school and just sitting in my room all night with my eyes glued to a screen playing the OG Sims. (Hello parents, this is why I now wear glasses to see anything) I would spend hours exacting a family, their house, their lives. Who can forget deleting the ladder from the pool and having them wave their hands in the air? Or having the stove catch on fire and the dreaded Reaper come and kill someone? I know that everyone has made their "dream" family, which consists of your perfect life, with your perfect spouse, in your perfect house. For hours my ears would be serenaded by the theme song from Buy Mode. Of course, no true Sim-er could ever play without the cheats…. rosebud ;:;:;, or as the game progressed: Motherlode. I have played the game through all generations of it, (Sims, Sims 2, & now Sims 3… Pets) and I am sorry to say that here I sit, ten plus years later, still sitting my ass behind a computer screen clicking away on a simulated game of life. Not sure if its sad, pathetic, or whatever, but at least I can do it now with a glass of wine in my hands.


  1. I.am.not.alone.
    Sims free play- app for iphone or ipad = addicting.
    I downloaded it a few months ago and became way too addicted like I was to the PC version when I was younger. I deleted the app a couple weeks ago because of my addiction, and all of my Sims are probably dead :(
    I feel ya!

    1. I've never played it on my phone but I'm sure that if I downloaded it I would definitely be as addicted as you were.
