Sunday, March 2, 2014


Good evening all! As usual, I am procrastinating the shit out of studying for a biology test tomorrow morning. I've been putting it off because of a raging hangover I've been sappily nursing all day… and apparently night considering its now 7 pm.

This weekend was particularly special because it was my birthday! Birthdays are never my favorite holidays to celebrate but this year I had an absolutely wonderful time. Even though all day Thursday I sat in ER at the hospital because of horrible heartburn and acid reflux, that I was convinced was a stomach ulcer… still yet to be determined.. I had a lovely weekend. I was nursed back to health that  Thursday evening thanks to my perfect boyfriend who had a bath running when I got home and helping around the house. I can't reiterate how grateful I am for all of that.

Friday, my actual birthday, was spent in classes (unfortunately) and then at a delicious dinner. He gave me presents before dinner, hello the best part of a birthday.. The best gift was a handmade bracelet with pearls his friends mom made. I am all about local and handmade so it was perfect. He also re-upped my record collection with Haim, The Arctic Monkeys, and Anthony Green vinyls. If all of that wasn't enough, he also gave me the cutest Rilakkuma mug for my tea! Basically, perfect presents!
I got completely overdressed for dinner, neither of us had any idea that the restaurant was a hole in the wall, but the food was so delicious. Even if I was the only person who has ever worn heels into the restaurant, I looked cute and my boyfriend definitely took notice. Dasiwa by the Art Museum has the most delicious sushi, and "not-chos. What is a not-cho? Well, other than a gift from the Asian heavens, it is a fried wonton shell, topped with tuna, tobiko, scallions, crunch, and eel sauce. Still confused? Its basically an Asian nacho. YUM. As if it couldn't get any better, the restaurant is BYOB so you know that the two of us killed a bottle of Barefoot wine while we were there… only to come home and drink another half a bottle.

Happily Ever After 

Saturday we slept in and relaxed, exactly what I needed. The two of us went to this adorable coffee and desert cafe down the street from my house, aptly named, Happily Ever After. The atmosphere is all movie related and extremely clean and modern. They even had a wall-e! I know where I will be spending most of my time, and money, from now on. We meandered around my neighborhood and I took him into some art galleries. Looking at art is definitely a favorite thing of mine to do and being able to experience it with someone else is lovely. I left the galleries feeling inspired and wanting to take a million pictures again, which I never have time for. We also stopped into an antique store and the record store down the street from me and picked up some gems. An old Beatles album, Frank Sinatra, and I got the new Modern Baseball album! My boyfriend hates them, but they're a local Philadelphia band and all of their music reminds me of what I listened to in middle school, hello nostalgia.

Saturday night we celebrated my birthday with some friends at my apartment. In other words, me and a few friends got completely trashed on a menagerie of alcohols and passed out at 4 am. Explaining the hangover all of us have been dealing with all day. Some of us have puked, others have felt their heads exploding, but it was all worth it.

I am so grateful for having such an amazing person like him in my life right now and I am even able to call him my boyfriend. We do have a lot of issues but when everything is going good for us, like this weekend, we get along so well. I really am lucky to have someone who I love and care for and feel it reciprocated back. I hope that everyone is lucky enough to feel like this in their life.

Here's what I'm listening to:

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